When Transvestites Attack; Memphis McDonald’s Undergoes Gender-fication

Things got a little out of order after three hungry transvestites found their service at a Memphis McDonald’s drive-thru unsatisfactory.

The three, er, men, tried to get the manager’s attention by tapping on the drive-thru window, and when they were ignored, decided to grab a tire iron and go inside and throw a supersize tantrum.

That’s when things got ugly.

As any good cross-dressers would, the three began to kick off stiletto boots (to better keep their balance while swinging), remove hoop earrings (no danger of having them yanked out), and take off their jackets (less restriction of movement) in order to deliver a McWhoopin’ on the staff.

The manager retaliated with a pot of scalding French-fry grease. When all was said and done, one worker was sent to the hospital by ambulance, windows were smashed, and the three trannies escaped before the police arrived.

Police are still looking for the fightin’ tranny trio, and we wish them good luck. Our bet is Anna Rexia looks more like Andy Rex today. And we’ll resist making a joke about trans-fats.

Read more about the shenanigans at WMC.com.

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