Brad Warthen, a writer for the Tribune News Service, recently published an article titled, Elvis has Left the Building, which was supposedly about former President Bill Clinton. It began, He s such a drag, he s not insane, it s just that everybody has to feel his pain, which is a quote from Elvis Costello s Brit-pop hit, No Dancing. It went on to say, Elvis … left a huge mess in the Jungle Room pill bottles, sequined capes, and half-eaten banana sandwiches everywhere, which is clearly a reference to Elvis Presley s Graceland, in spite of the fact that the King actually ate peanut butter and banana sandwiches. The poor mixed-up wordsmith has obviously got his Elvii confused. What s more, he thinks that comparing Clinton to Elvis (P. not C.) is somehow going to further damage the former president s reputation. He s obviously never seen the teeming masses that flock to Memphis during Death Week.