“My loved one is in debt and asked for my help in paying it off. What should I do?” At Creative Planning, we run into this question often, as family and finances are so frequently interconnected with one another. When it comes to deciding a course of action, oftentimes there’s not one clear and obvious answer. Before making a financial commitment to help a loved one, be sure to consider the following.
What are the alternatives?
Before volunteering your own funds, a positive first step is to understand if there are any other ways to help your loved one clear up their debt. If it’s reached a point where it has destroyed your loved one’s credit rating, it could make sense to have it written off by declaring bankruptcy. Or perhaps you can help find a debt management program or pursue a debt settlement arrangement. Depending on the circumstances, there may be other ways to help your loved one gain financial footing that don’t require a check from you.
How will the money be used?
If alternatives fail to produce a viable solution, before committing your funds it’s best to understand how the current or new debt may be impacting your loved one’s situation. As the potential lender, it’s natural to question the borrower’s previous financial decisions. Practically, you (as the lender) may not view paying off an auto loan as prudent; however, there may be more common ground around paying off an outstanding medical or educational debt. Having clarity regarding how the loan is to be used may help to overcome emotions and objections around providing a loan. Whether the loan helps to free one from their debt burden or enable a new venture, the purpose of the loan should be clearly defined. If servicing existing debt, it may be wise to ensure any money you lend is being used to pay off principal, which will have a greater impact on your loved one’s overall financial health.
What are the specific terms of the loan?
Just as you would with any other borrower, have your loved one agree to the loan’s terms in writing before you issue a check. While this may seem harsh, it’s an important step to help ensure there are no misunderstandings or resentments down the road. Your loan agreement should include the following:
• The amount you’re lending
• The time frame in which the loan will be repaid
• Any agreed-upon interest, if applicable