

Metaphysical Connection: The Depths of Pisces Season

Emily Guenther

Represented by The Moon in tarot, mysticism, madness, and creativity define this sign.

Metaphysical Connection: Heart Chakra

Emily Guenther

A dip into this chakra can help balance your emotions.

Metaphysical Connection: Year of the Wood Snake

Emily Guenther

This will be a year of quiet recalibration and renewal.

Metaphysical Connection: The 2025 Tarot Card

Emily Guenther

This year will be one of introspection and understanding.

Metaphysical Connection: A Holiday of Lights

Emily Guenther

Winter holidays use light as a symbol of warmth and faith.

Metaphysical Connection: Holiday Temperance

Emily Guenther

Finding balance in oppositions this Sagittarius season.

Metaphysical Connection: A Holiday Retrograde

Emily Guenther

Forewarned is forearmed when it comes to Mercury retrograde.

Metaphysical Connection: Odin’s Eye

Emily Guenther

The Earth’s “mini moon” holds lots of starry symbolism.

Metaphysical Connection: The History of Halloween

Emily Guenther

The holiday’s origins are closely tied to Samhain.