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Imagining Intelligence

As AI imagery saturates social media, the lines between real and fake blur.

Election 2024: Party Time

The November 5th election ballot includes some local partisan races of note.

RiverArtsFest Returns This Weekend 

This year’s festival features 165 artists participating in the artists market.

A New Forecast

The only thing to fear is fear itself. And weather.

Saturday Night

SNL’s origin story makes an amusing backstage comedy.

Education Planning for Individuals With Special Needs 

Strategies to support your loved one’s education.

MEMernet: Drone Home, Taraoke?, and Reddit Round Up 

Tom Lee Park from above, tarot and karaoke, and Redditors on woks and Sundrop.

Kurt Vile’s Memphis Pilgrimage

The auteur is set to record at Easley-McCain, which spawned his favorite albums.

News of the Weird: Week of 10/17/24

An “intense bowel movement,” a fat cat, and an underwater cemetery.

WE SAW YOU: Mempho Music Festival

Ticket sales to the seventh Mempho Music Festival exceeded 20,000.