

Crazy, Stupid, Interdimensional Love

Graphic novel illustrator Liana Kangas talks Mariko Between Worlds before book-signing.

Michael Kiggins’ And the Train Kept Moving

The author’s debut novel, set in Memphis, explores OCD, addiction, and even revenge.

Fresh out of the Oven

Local baker and TikToker Chloe Sexton of BluffCakes has a new cookbook.

Herenton’s Memoir Out Soon

The former mayor intends to bring out a published account of his life and times in April.

Star Power at Burke’s Books

Joel Coen and Frances McDormand pay a visit to a local treasure.

Marina Bokelman and David Evans’ Going Up the Country

Two souls guide readers through the landscape of ’60s blues and gospel music in this book.

Jamie Harmon’s “Memphis Quarantine”

The book captures Memphis betwixt and between our quarantine bubbles.

Censoring History

Author Alice Faye Duncan’s award-winning children’s book has been added to a ban list.